As with any mom-to-be at this point, pregnancy is taking it's toll. Today I had a prenatal visit with my midwife, which is always great fun, but my hemoglobin check showed low. To remedy this I'm now on a mega-regiment of herbs to boost it to an acceptable level. (10.4 to 11.5) So, Lord willing the Floradix, Yellow Dock and Chlorophyll along with all the beef my heart desires will boost the Hemoglobin count to the approved 11.5 in a week and a half. I think it will.
Over the past few weeks Steve and I have enjoyed forming a routine of walking together after dinner. While every night would be wonderful, not really reasonable, we're enjoying it more now that the temperature is not triple digits. It's surprising how much there is to talk about when the TV is turned off! :-)
Recently my ankles have blossomed. The swelling comes mostly in the evening after being up and about during the day. It's sad! If I prop them up.. they aren't bad, but the really interesting thing is if I prop just one leg up, then I have ONE puffy ankle and one not puffy! Weird!
Today begins week 35. It's exciting to think that our baby is going to be done 'baking' soon! We liken the time left of gestation to that of a long vacation.. and we all know how fast a vacation can fly. You may wonder how my to do list is working out.. Generally well! I feel good about the house, the accomplishments and the baby supplies that we have bought or been blessed with.
The things that matter have been taken care of mostly.. and all the rest will fall into place soon enough.
What's ahead? My 36 week Prenatal Visit will be held at the office of my Consulting Doctor. I'll see Leah a CNM in Bamberg, SC. She'll check me over, see my vitals are stable and check my all important Hemoglobin and agree I'm a healthy candidate for Home Birth. The next week is especially exciting. My 37 week Prenatal Visit will be held at MY house with my husband and Jami, who will be assisting Lisa at the birth and Lisa the midwife. I'm hoping my mother will also be available during that time, since she'll be at the birth as well. We'll discuss any loose ends and walk through the birth setup and the attendants roles while I'm in labor and ask any questions. Then the birth pool will be brought in and we'll be ready for the baby to make his/her entrance. That is exciting!!
So, from then until now I'm living on Iron supplements and joy that the baby is well and coming soon!!
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