Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Too cute!
Here you too can enjoy the sounds and faces of a three month old baby. We love him- can you tell??
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
L. is Three Months Old:
Our dear sweet boy is three months old. Time has FLOWN by. It seems like some days go on forever (the colicky ones specifically) and yet the past three months have been like a moment. L. is such a part of who we are now, I can barely remember what it was like before him. Before seems empty in a way. He makes our family complete. Every day he's growing and changing. He's so exciting now! He's responsive to our smiles and funny faces. I have started reading to him and he studies the pages that I hold up for him to see. He really doesn't fancy being set down. And although my back is always a mess, I love to carry him everywhere. He will know he is loved and be secure for it. And for me, a secure child is worth a back ache. He has 'alone time' playing with his hanging toys, in front of the mirror (so mommy can get stuff done)... don't worry it's secure!!! Also, his bath time is such fun. He will kick and splash and kick some more! I just love it. I think the tub will be a great pass-time later. Daddy is really enjoying him more now that he is responsive to us. He is always talking and singing to him. Whatever they are doing that moment, he sings about it (and surprisingly able to rhyme near everything). L. is such a strong boy! He holds his head up, and prefers to be up on a shoulder to see what is going on. He looks like he has radar- scanning the room, back and forth. This is only a brief synopsis of how special, fun and unique our little whipper-snapper is. I looked back at his photos from birth and am amazed at who he's become. All that in just three little months! Isn't God amazing!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Catch up photos..
Okay, I admit it! I totally fell of track with keeping new photos posted so you can see my beautiful little man.. so I'm going to just jump in where we are... we spent the weekend before Chistmas at my sister's house in Atlanta enjoying great food and fun with family. (We missed you M.!!)

New Years Eve was great fun. S., L. and I rang in the new year with friends from Heart's Cry. We dressed up fancy for the event! (It was a costume party.) The highlites were... seeing my chiropractor done up like a 1970's "brother"... the Pastor freaking everyone out with the comb-over, front-butt, and terrificly chaotic outfit ... the white-elephant gift game featuring some dandy gifts (ie two potatoes, a broken chandelier, hemorrhoid cream, pregnancy test) ... and last but not least- watching in horror as at approximately 12:02 my husband joins the dance circle by spinning around in the floor on his back disco style to the song "Another one bites the dust"! Good times!
Our anniversary Jan. 2nd (4 years) was a quiet one spent at home together. We did enjoy a wonderful home-cooked Chinese meal by Chef Jennifer (our renter).
This past weekend we drove up to Asheville. L. got to meet his two Great-Grandmothers, and his Great Aunt. There was much oooing and bouncing. We also enjoyed some down time as well. It was actually a restful weekend.

New Years Eve was great fun. S., L. and I rang in the new year with friends from Heart's Cry. We dressed up fancy for the event! (It was a costume party.) The highlites were... seeing my chiropractor done up like a 1970's "brother"... the Pastor freaking everyone out with the comb-over, front-butt, and terrificly chaotic outfit ... the white-elephant gift game featuring some dandy gifts (ie two potatoes, a broken chandelier, hemorrhoid cream, pregnancy test) ... and last but not least- watching in horror as at approximately 12:02 my husband joins the dance circle by spinning around in the floor on his back disco style to the song "Another one bites the dust"! Good times!
(insert picture here.. alas, I haven't received it yet! will post later...)
Our anniversary Jan. 2nd (4 years) was a quiet one spent at home together. We did enjoy a wonderful home-cooked Chinese meal by Chef Jennifer (our renter).
This past weekend we drove up to Asheville. L. got to meet his two Great-Grandmothers, and his Great Aunt. There was much oooing and bouncing. We also enjoyed some down time as well. It was actually a restful weekend.
(insert picture here of the meet and greet times... to come!)
Here are some fun photos of the boy...
This one is of him in my favorite NB outfit... it was officially retired around 2 months.
When Aunt C. came for a visit in early December we caught on film a glimpse of the inner workings of this child's mouth. Thought you might enjoy. If you stare at it long enough he'll make you yawn too!!!
We aren't 100% sure what color the eyes will be.. fair to say either brown or green.
(My vote is green.)
And here he's enjoying himself while hanging out with Pops.
*notice the slightly small gown.. i think it has been retired as well.
Sorry to be out of order! This was taken back when Aunt C. came in early December. Our dear friends B., J., and L. were visiting. Such a sweet 'family' photo-- L. and L. might be an arranged marriage one day- we're working out the details.

This one is of him in my favorite NB outfit... it was officially retired around 2 months.

(My vote is green.)

*notice the slightly small gown.. i think it has been retired as well.

And I'll continue to post these crazy out of order pictures for your viewing pleasure as soon as I get them from various family members cameras. Happy New Year, by the way!
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